M & M Angels Inc. 501(C)3 is a non-profit organization based in Queens, NY. It was founded on July 5th, 2020, by 7-year-old Morgan Grace. For her 7th birthday, Morgan's sole wish was to provide snacks to children at a local family shelter. With the help of family, friends, and colleagues, Morgan raised enough snacks to fulfill her birthday wish. On June 15th, 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Morgan successfully donated snacks to three family shelters (two in Queens and one in Brooklyn) and to a local church pantry in Brooklyn, NY. Morgan's big heart and determination continued to drive her philanthropic efforts.
M & M Angels Inc. 501(C)3 mission is to service children throughout NYC shelters, providing them with the basics they need to feel normalized regardless of their economic situation. The organization believes in the transformative power of their "LOVE NOW" initiative, which posits that immediate support and love lead to a better future.